Disclaimer for Newsletter

This website, newsletter and any social media contentcontains Nutrition & Wellness coaching advice to inform / educate others and to share the author's opinion. Visitors can use their own discernment to determine if they believe the information provided.

Nutrition & Wellness coaching is for healthy individuals who are taking responsibility for their health maintenance and enhancement. Coaches help by providing a safe space, assist in pattern identification of limiting self-concepts, creating a framework for personal breakthrough and supporting personal accountability to grow into the new identity. The client makes their own decisions about what changes to make in their lifestyle and food choices and is the one creating the transformation in health & well-being.

Coaching is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. As a Nutrition & Wellness coach, I am not attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. The opinions expressed in this site are mine and not a reflection of any advertisers, sponsors or guest posters / presenters. 

I am required to state that client must seek advice from a licensed professional as primary caregiver for disease management. I am not a medical professional. Collaborate with your medical and mental health care professionals before undertaking changes in your health regimen. Your primary care providers know you and your personal medical history, and are qualified to diagnose and treat health problems, determining the best options for disease management.

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